Manually remove Funny Ust Scandal Virus

Funny ust scandal is the most common Virus I have ever seen. I found many of my friends'
computers affected by Funny ust scandal virus. This Funny ust scandal is also a really dangerous virus . It creates Funny ust scandal.avi.exe, SMSS.exe and Killer.exe - these three files,
disables folder options, starts new processes, task Manager automatically disappears after few seconds and system becomes deadly slow. If a Funny ust scandal virus is active in your system and your anti virus does not detect or delete it, then you have to manually remove it.

To Remove Funny ust scandal.avi.exe, SMSS.exe and Killer.exe virus, follow the following process

1. Start --> Run and type cmd

2.In the Command Prompt Window Type

taskkill /f /im smss.exe

taskkill /f /im killer.exe

3. The virus placed some files at the root of every drive so you need to clean them.

del /a:h /f c:\autorun.inf

del /a:h /f c:\smss.exe

del /a:h /f c:\funny ust scandal.avi.exe

Repeat the above commands on the Command Prompt Window for all your drives (Just replace C with the drive letter.)

4. Now you need to delete files in windows folder. So type:

del /a:h /f c:\windows\killer.exe

del /a:h /f c:\windows\autorun.inf

del /a:h /f c:\windows\smss.exe

del /a:h /f c:\windows\funny ust scandal.exe

5. Now you need to delete one more file :

del /a:h /f %userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\lsass.exe

I think you will be able to remove Funny ust scandal , SMSS.exe and Killer.exe virus from your system successfully.

Caution: While the manual process is going on, do not open any My Computer drive.

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Anonymous responded on April 8, 2009 at 4:52 PM #

Yes my Problem is gone.