Manually remove ckvo.exe virus.

Ckvo.exe (or Kxvo.exe, kcvo, xkvo) is one of the most common Virus/Trojan. When a Ckvo.exe virus gets active in a system, most likely your antivirus will not detect or delete it. Then you have to manually remove it. Don’t think manually remove ckvo is a very tough task. You have to just follow some manual removal procedures.

Start the computer in safe mode (Repeatedly press F8 during booting)

1.Now you have to enable “Show hidden Files”. BUT you can’t do it from folder options as the virus will not allow you to do so. What you have to do is editing the registry and manually enable it.

Start --> Run type regedit then press OK. The registry editor will open. Go to the following key:


Expand Hidden and select NOHIDDEN. In the right hand pane, see if there is a value called: CheckedValue Double click on it and put 2 as its value data.

Again at the left panel select SHOWALL, look for the key: CheckedValue Double click on it and put 1 as its value data.

2. Its very important that you don’t double click on any drive now. Open My Computer and from the upper panel choose Tools>Folder Options. Then put a mark on Show Hidden Files and remove the check from Hide Protected Operating System Files.

3. In My Computer from the upper panel choose Folders. In the Left pan Expand My Computer and Click on C: In the C drive delete autorun.inf File. Again using the left panel, go to every drive and delete the autorun.inf file.

4. After that, go to Start Menu-->Search and Select All Files and Folders. Click More Advance options and check all the boxes. Then search once for each of these files

ckvo.exe, ckvo.dll, ckvo0.dll, ckvo1.dll, kava.exe, kxvo.exe, kxvo0.dll.

Delete all the files you found. Then delete them permanently from recycle bin.

5. Now Open Registry Editor again

Delete the value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"Kamsoft"=C:\windows\system32\ckvo.exe

Then Go to


delete all the keys starting with {--------}


In the above key delete {05ef6149-5e60-11dd-8a88-0003254ecf1b}

Finally turnoff the SystemRestore and turn it on again so the previous restore points will be deleted.

I think this manually removal procedure will help you get rid of the ckvo.exe virus.

2 Responses to "Manually remove ckvo.exe virus."

Anonymous responded on April 12, 2009 at 10:16 AM #

I have removed the annoying message!!!!

Anonymous responded on April 12, 2009 at 10:17 AM #

Thanks Buddy