Manually Remove Safemass.exe Virus.

A recent addition in the virus world is Safemass.exe virus. Most of the Anti virus programs failed to detect or remove Safemass.exe as it exists in limited subcontinental areas, mainly in Bangladesh. But you can easily remove Safemass.exe from your PC manually.

To remove safemass.exe manually, you have to follow the following procedure:

1. At first restart the Computer in safe mode. You can do so by repeatedly pressing F8 in the boot menu. There will be an screen with various Boot options. Choose "Safe Mode".

2. If the virus is still active, then it will stay on the system tray. Right click on it and select close or exit.(If the virus is not active,skip this step )

3. Now from Start menu, select Search.Type "safemass.exe" in the search box and start search. You will find the file in all of your drives. Delete all of them.

4. You have to clean the registry entries created by the Safemass.exe To do so, go to Start menu and select Run. Type Regedit. Registry editor will open. navigate to the following branch:


In the right pane you will see Safemass.exe. Delete the entry.

5. Now check the root of all your drives for any autorun.ini files created by safemass.exe. If you find any, just delete them.

6. Restart your Computer.

I think you have got rid of Safemass.exe virus.

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