I know the followings look weird. But concentrate a little and try to read, I think you can do it. Once you read, You will understand what this post is about.
If yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny
55% of plepoe can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I
was rdanieg. The pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the
ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll
raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I
awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Illusion World
Can Your Strange Brain Read this?????
Which One is Bigger? : Optical Illusion-4
Is the left center circle bigger than the right center circle?
No!! Actually they are of the same size. You are misguided by the circles around them.
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Moving or Stationary?:Optical Illusion-1
Anything Rotating??:Optical Illusion-2
Coil or Circle?:Optical Illusion-3
Change the Default directory for Installing New Application.
In WindowsXP C:\Program Files directory is the default base directory for installing new programs. But you may want a different location into which new programs will be installed. This is very much possible.You can change the default installation directory by editing the Registry .
Go to Start > Run. Then type regedit and press OK. The registry editor window will open. Navigate to the following key:
Click on CurrentVersion and in the right pan find the value ProgramFilesDir. This value is selected as C:\Program Files by default.
Double click on ProgramFilesDir and change the value data to the location of any valid drive or folder of your choice.
From now on Windows will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs.
Cool Mobile Wallpapers-2
HWMonitor : A Tool that will Monitor your Hardware.
HWMonitor is a hardware monitoring program that reads PC systems main health sensors : voltages, temperatures, fans speed.
The program handles the most common sensor chips, like ITE® IT87 series, most Winbond® ICs, and others. In addition, it can read modern CPU s on-die core thermal sensors, as well has hard drives temperature via S.M.A.R.T, and video card GPU temperature.
Special hardware monitors such as abit® uGuru and Gigabyte® ODIN™ power supplies serie are supported too.
HWMonitor does not need to be installed. Just unzip the files in a directory and run the .exe. In order to remove the program, just delete the files.The program does not copy any file in any directory, neither writes in the registry.
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Coil or Circle?:Optical Illusion-3
Look at the following picture. Are they Coil ?? or Circles???
Watch carefully. you will find all of them as circles.
Related Posts:
Moving or Stationary?:Optical Illusion-1
Anything Rotating??:Optical Illusion-2
Which One is Bigger? : Optical Illusion-4
Remove Unwanted Items From Add or Remove Programs Menu
Sometimes it is seen that due to improper uninstall or for any problem, some uninstalled programs are shown in the Add or Remove Programs list. To remove that program from the list, follow the step:
Go to Start> Run, type regedit. Registry Editor will open:
Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Uninstall
Remove any unwanted subkeys under "Uninstall."
You will not find those unwanted programs in the Add or Remove Programs list.
Process Explorer : Find out running processes of your computer.
Process Explorer is an alternative for Windows Task Manager. Actually it is much more efficient than the Task Manager. It displays all the active processes in your system. Process Explorer has some unique options like Tracing the Process handler .dlls which is essential for removing virus.
Process Explorer is a freeware. Its a very small program- only 1.6mb(zip file). Process Explorer need not to be installed,just extract the zip file and thats it.
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Open Directly With Notepad.
Many apply a registry tweak to have notepad as an option for unknown file types. We frequently see such files which are actually just text, but named with some odd file-extension. And then, some suspicious files which we want to make sure what the contents are. Well, in such cases where the registry tweak is applied, the downside happens to be that even some known files get associated with notepad - but no, all we want is to be able to open a file with notepad - the association part in such cases is unwanted interference. Also, notepad becomes a permanent fixture on the right-click menu - which is again an annoyance.
So what we do, is to have notepad as an option in the Send-To options, of the right-click menu in explorer. It fulfills the purpose to perfection (atleast, in my case). Here's what we do:
1. right-click desktop, choose "New >> Shortcut"
2. Type the location of the item - "notepad" - (that's all, no need to give path)
3. Next >> type name for shortcut - "Edit with Notepad"(or anything you want)
4. Click finish
5. Now right-click this shortcut on the desktop, and choose properties.
6. Confirm that the "target" and "start in" fields are using variables - "%windir%\system32\notepad.exe" - (absolute paths will be problematic if you use this .LNK on machines other than your own)
7. Now, browse to "%UserProfile%\SendTo" in explorer (which means "C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\SendTo\" folder)
8. And copy the "Edit with Notepad.lnk" file which you already created, to that folder.
9. Right-click on ANY file-type and you will be offered an option to open with notepad, from the SendTo sub-menu.
So now, you just right-click on an .nfo or .eml or .diz file (which are associated with other programs, and are sometimes just plain-text files), and choose "Send To >> Edit with Notepad" and it will open in notepad!
No more botheration of applying registry tweaks for something as simple as this.
Related Topics:
Remove Unwanted Items From Add or Remove Programs Menu
Restore Missing Folder Options.
Anything Rotating??:Optical Illusion-2
Look at the following picture. Are the circles rotating???
No they are not though they seem to.
Don't believe me? observe each circle individually, you will get the answer.
Optical Illusions
Related Posts:
Moving or Stationary?:Optical Illusion-1
Coil or Circle?:Optical Illusion-3
Which One is Bigger? : Optical Illusion-4
Cool Mobile Wallpapers-1
A Little Fun:Create a file of any size.
Its really Funny. You can create a file whose size will be exactly what you want.
You have to Start by converting the desired file size into hexadecimal notation. You can use the Windows Calculator in Scientific mode do to this. Suppose you want a file of 1 million bytes. Enter 1000000 in the calculator and click on the Hex option to convert it (1 million in hex is F4240.) Pad the result with zeroes at the left until the file size reaches eight digits i.e. 000F4240.
Now open a command prompt window. In Windows 95, 98, or Me, you can do this by entering COMMAND in the Start menu's Run dialog; in Windows NT or XP enter CMD instead. Enter the command DEBUG BIGFILE.DAT and ignore the File not found message. Type RCX and press Enter. Debug will display a colon prompt. Enter the last four digits of the hexadecimal number you calculated (4240, in our example). Type RBX and press Enter, then enter the first four digits of the hexadecimal size (000F, in our example). Enter W for Write and Q for Quit.
You've just created a 1-million-byte file using Debug. Of course you can create a file of any desired size using the same technique.
PC WIZARD: Know Your Copmputer Information.
PC WIZARD 2008 is a powerful utility designed especially for detection of hardware, but also some more analysis. It's able to identify a large scale of system components and supports the latest technologies and standards. This tool is periodically updated (usually once per month) in order to provide most accurate results.
PC WIZARD 2008 is also an utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, Cache performance, RAM performance, Hard Disk performance, CD/DVD-ROM performance, Removable/FLASH Media performance, Video performance, MP3 compression performance.
Hardware Information
* Mainboard / Bios (Connectors, ID String, MP Support ...)
* Chipset (FSB Frequency, Norhtbridge, Hub, Direct Media Interface, XMB, NSI, ...)
* Main Memory (FPM, EDO, SDRAM, DDR, DDR-2,DDR-3, RDRAM, FB_DIMM, Timings)
* Memory Profiles : EPP (SLi Ready), Intel XMP.
* Cache Memory (L1, L2, L3, Size, Frequency ...)
* Processors(Type,Speed,Multiplier coeff.,Features,Model Number)
* Coprocessor
* Busses : ISA, PCI, AGP (2x, 4x,8x), SMBus/ i2c, CardBus, Firewire, Hyper-Transport)
* Mainboard Sensors, Processor, Hard Disk & Battery (Voltage, Temperature, Fans)
* Video (Monitor, Card, Bios, Capabilities, Memory, Integrated Memory, Frequencies ...)
* OpenGL & 3Dfx
* DirectX(DirectDraw,Direct3D,DirectSound,DirectMusic,DirectPlay,DirectInput)
* Keyboard, Mouse & Joystick
* Drives (Hard Disk, Removable, CD-ROM, CDRW, DVD ...)
* SCSI (Card, Controller, Adapter, Devices ...)
* ATA/ATAPI & S-ATA (Devices, Type, Capabilities, S.M.A.R.T. Features, RAID)
* Ports (Serial, Parallel, USB, IEEE-1394)
* IDE & SCSI Devices
* Twain & WIA Devices
* PCMCIA (PC Card) Devices
* Bluetooth Devices
* Sound Card (wave, midi, aux, mix, AC'97 codec, High Definition Audio)
* Printers (Local & Network)
* Modem (Features, Speed ...)
* Network (Server, Connexion, Firewall ...)
* Security (Scan Ports ...)
* PocketPC & SmartPhone Devices
System Information
* MCI Devices (mpeg, avi, seq, vcr, video-disc, wave) & ACM
* Passwords (Outlook, Internet Explorer, MSN Messenger, Dialup ...)
* DOS Memory (base, HMA, UMB, XMS, EMS, DPMI, VCPI)
* Windows Memory
* Windows (Version, Product Key, Environment, Desktop, XP Themes ...)
* Windows UpTime (Boot, Shutdown, BlueScreen, System Restore Points ...)
* TrueType & OpenType Fonts
* WinSock (Internet), Telephony et Remote Access
* OLE (Objects, Servers ...)
* Microsoft Applications
* Activity (Process, Tasks, Threads)
* Modules (DLL, DRV, 32 & 16-bits) & NT Services
* Internet Navigator (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, FireFox)
* Resources (IRQ, DMA, E/S, Memory)
* System files (.ini, .log, .bat, .nt, .dos ...)
Special Extras
PC Wizard supports the Logitech G-Series keyboard LCD screen. To activate this function go to menu Options (Monitoring Tab )and check it. When you minimize PC Wizard window, CPU information will be displayed into the keyboard LCD screen.
PerfMonitor: Monitor Your Processor Performance
PerfMonitor is a processor performance monitoring tool. It allows to track the frequency of 4 events choosen in a set of model-specific list.
PerfMonitor can be used to identify the performance bottlenecks of a system, or to monitor a program for cache-miss rate or mis-predicted branches. But PerfMonitor can also be used as a hardware-level CPU comparison tool, comparing the key parameters of different CPUs runnning the same benchmark.
Install PerfMonitor
Unzip all files in the same directory and run perfmonitor.exe. You can run as many instances of PerfMonitor as there are physical CPUs in your system (see below for the particular case of CPUs that use HyperThreading technology). The first instance will be attached to CPU #0, the next one to CPU#1, and so on. The application settings will be saved in a file named PerfMonX.ini (where X refers to the CPU number) stored in your temporary account path (typically : C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp).
Select monitored events
PerfMonitor allows to track up to 4 events, depending on the CPU model. Each event is attached to a graph. In order to change the monitored event, put the mouse cursor on a graph then click on the left button to make the events menu selection appear (note that the currently monitored event is checked in the menu).
Because of hardware limitations (namely the number of available counters), it is possible that all the desired events can't be monitored in the same time than other events. If a requested event is not available for monitoring, the graph will appear in grey color. Note that the events are created from the top to the bottom, consequently the events on the top graphes have more chance to be allocated. Note also that some events need two counters, especailly the ones that tracks a cache level success rate.
If the change of an event frees a counter that allows a non-available event to be monitored, it will be started automatically.
Real Temp:Monitor Your Processor Temperature
Real Temp is a temperature monitoring program designed for all Intel single Core, Dual Core, Quad Core and Core i7 processors. Each core on these processors has a digital thermal sensor (DTS) that reports temperature data relative to TJMax which is the safe maximum operating core temperature for the CPU. As your CPU heats up, your Distance to TJMax will decrease. If it reaches zero, your processor will start to thermal throttle or slow down so maximizing your distance away from TJMax will help your computer run at full speed and more reliably too.
Main Features
* Reads temperature information from all Intel Core based processors.
* Ability to individually calibrate Real Temp for each core of your CPU.
* Program is based on temperature data gathered using a Fluke 62 IR Thermometer.
* Test Sensors feature will check your DTS sensors for any sign of problems.
* Keeps track of Minimum and Maximum temperatures with full logging features.
* Reporting and logging of the Intel PROCHOT# thermal throttle activity bit.
* Quick, very accurate and repeatable benchmark.
* Displays MHz, TJMax, CPUID, APIC ID and Calibration settings.
* High temperature alarm and shutdown feature based on CPU or Nvidia GPU temperature.
* No installation or registry modifications required.
* Support for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
N.B.:Pentium 4 processors are not supported.
Moving or Stationary?:Optical Illusion-1
Concentrate on the dot in the center and move your head backwards and forwards.
What do you see??????
Optical Illusion
Related Posts:
Anything Rotating??:Optical Illusion-2
Coil or Circle?:Optical Illusion-3
Which One is Bigger? : Optical Illusion-4
Create Strong Password.
The passwords are the keys we use to access personal information that we've stored on our computer and in our online accounts.But they often become vulnerable to password crackers. Here are some simple tips which will help you to create strong passwords.
Properties of a strong password
To an attacker, a strong password should appear to be a random string of characters. The following criteria can help our passwords do so:
Make it lengthy
Each character that we add to our password increases the protection that it provides many times over.
The passwords should be 8 or more characters in length; 14 characters or longer is ideal.
Many systems also support use of the space bar in passwords, so we can create a phrase made of many words (a "pass phrase"). A pass phrase is often easier to remember than a simple password, as well as longer and harder to guess.
Combine letters, numbers, and symbols
The greater variety of characters that we have in our password, the harder it is to guess. Other important specifics include:
Use words and phrases that are easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess.
The easiest way to remember our passwords and pass phrases is to write them down.
Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with writing passwords down, but they need to be adequately protected in order to remain secure and effective.
In general, passwords written on a piece of paper are more difficult to compromise across the Internet than a password manager, Web site, or other software-based storage tool, such as password managers.
Manually remove ckvo.exe virus.
Ckvo.exe (or Kxvo.exe, kcvo, xkvo) is one of the most common Virus/Trojan. When a Ckvo.exe virus gets active in a system, most likely your antivirus will not detect or delete it. Then you have to manually remove it. Don’t think manually remove ckvo is a very tough task. You have to just follow some manual removal procedures.
Start the computer in safe mode (Repeatedly press F8 during booting)
1.Now you have to enable “Show hidden Files”. BUT you can’t do it from folder options as the virus will not allow you to do so. What you have to do is editing the registry and manually enable it.
Start --> Run type regedit then press OK. The registry editor will open. Go to the following key:
Expand Hidden and select NOHIDDEN. In the right hand pane, see if there is a value called: CheckedValue Double click on it and put 2 as its value data.
Again at the left panel select SHOWALL, look for the key: CheckedValue Double click on it and put 1 as its value data.
2. Its very important that you don’t double click on any drive now. Open My Computer and from the upper panel choose Tools>Folder Options. Then put a mark on Show Hidden Files and remove the check from Hide Protected Operating System Files.
3. In My Computer from the upper panel choose Folders. In the Left pan Expand My Computer and Click on C: In the C drive delete autorun.inf File. Again using the left panel, go to every drive and delete the autorun.inf file.
4. After that, go to Start Menu-->Search and Select All Files and Folders. Click More Advance options and check all the boxes. Then search once for each of these files
ckvo.exe, ckvo.dll, ckvo0.dll, ckvo1.dll, kava.exe, kxvo.exe, kxvo0.dll.
Delete all the files you found. Then delete them permanently from recycle bin.
5. Now Open Registry Editor again
Delete the value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"Kamsoft"=C:\windows\system32\ckvo.exe
Then Go to
delete all the keys starting with {--------}
In the above key delete {05ef6149-5e60-11dd-8a88-0003254ecf1b}
Finally turnoff the SystemRestore and turn it on again so the previous restore points will be deleted.
I think this manually removal procedure will help you get rid of the ckvo.exe virus.